What wool fibers can I use for needle felting?
There are many different kinds of wool roving ball fibers that can be used for felting including: Merino wool, Blue Faced Leicester wool, Shetland wool, Corriedale sheep wool (best for dyeing your own wool), Manx Loaghtan wool, Jacob wool, Herdwick wool, Alpaca wool, and Maori wool. Can any wool be felted? Any kind of wool fiber can be used for felting. There are many different options to be used aside from standard sheep wool. Alpaca, Merino, and Corriedale are just some of the popular fibers that are used for needle felting.
Why is my wool not felting?
The key to getting your wool to felt is by making sure you use enough water so that the soap lathers properly and fully saturates your wool fabric. It is also essential for your wool fabric to have enough agitation to produce your felt fabric from woven animal fiber yarn, or known as fulling.